Esti Nur Wakhidah



               Today, the number of unemployment is still high because the available employment does not match the number of the workforce because of the underutilization of business opportunities around the community. For example, many business opportunities can be developed with the opening of Yogyakarta International Airport, but the community around the airport location is not fully aware of the entrepreneur opportunities. The lack of community interest in entrepreneurship around YIA needs to be reviewed.

               This study used a quantitative approach using descriptive method. This method was used because the data of this study are the results of a questionnaire in the form of numbers. The population involved residents living around Yogyakarta International Airport who do not have a business. The samples were 100 participants taken by non-probability sampling with purposive sampling.

               The results indicate that (1) Entrepreneurial knowledge and motivation partially affect entrepreneurial interest with the same significance level of 0,000; (2) Entrepreneurial knowledge and motivation affects simultaneously entrepreneurial interest with a significance level of 0,000 and the effect is 50.7%.


knowledge, motivation, interest, entrepreneurship


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