Analysis of Influencing Factors on Online Product Purchasing in The Solo Raya Region

Aditha Sekar Mahasiwi, Rindy Nurvitasari


This study discusses the factors that determine consumer decisions in online shopping. This study aims to determine whether the factors of product quality, logistics delivery, and promotion have a significant effect on consumer purchasing decisions.

The method of analysis using multiple linear regression and classical assumption test using STATA16 application. The method used is a quantitative method. In this study using a probability sampling technique with a population of people in Solo Raya who have purchased products online as many as 77 respondents. Data collection is in the form of distributing questionnaires.

The results showed that the most dominant factors influencing purchasing decisions in online shopping were product quality and promotion. Product quality factors, logistics delivery, and promotion simultaneously have a significant positive influence on consumer purchasing decisions, which means that if e-commerce improves product quality, delivery, and promotion together, it will increase consumer purchasing decisions to choose e-commerce. The implication of this research is for companies that market their products online to pay attention to the factors that influence consumer purchasing decisions. So that online purchasing decisions can increase.


Product Quality, Promotion, Delivery Speed, Purchase Decision, Online Shopping

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