The impact of Fintech lending on Commercial banks and Rural Banks

Rakotoarisoa Maminiaina Heritiana Sedera


Financial technology has shaped the financial industry specifically the online borrowings and lending platform. This study aims to examine the impact of Fintech lending on the banks’ performance. To conduct our study, secondary data of peer-to-peer lending and banks  were collected  from  the Financial  Services Authority of Indonesia (OJK), consisting of 115 Fintech lending, 1554 rural banks, and 113 commercial banks. Regression Analysis was employed to elaborate on the relationship between variables. The analysis indicates a strong relationship between Fintech lending and rural banks but with a moderate relationship compared to commercial banks. It can be concluded that the penetration of Fintech lending correlates with banks’ performance. This study also helps Banks to understand the threat and the opportunity in the market, to find new strategies to be more competitive in the lending market such as application of technology in its service or corporation with Fintech companies.


Fintech lending; bank performance; commercial bank; rural bank

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