The Effect of Fintech Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending on MSMEs Performance in Indonesia

Aulyarizki Miahendita


This study analyze the effect of Fintech loans Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending on MSMEs Performance in Indonesia. Data was collected using the technique Snowball Sampling, which is an online survey of MSME actors who have borrowed on the platform P2P Lending for business development and obtained as many as 70 respondents. The results of the study can  be  concluded  that:  1)  The size  of the  amount  of  funding received from P2P lending affects increased profits, but does not affect the increase in assets; 2) The interest rate has a negative and not significant effect on MSME Performance so that the lower interest rate can further increase turnover, profits, and business assets; 3) Loan Times affects MSME Performance positively and significantly. This study has several limitations, which include the number of samples, uneven coverage of the study area, and there are still many other factors that affect MSME performance.


Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending; Interest Rate; Loan Times; MSME Performance

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