Application of Empty Fruit Bunches Compost and Types of P Fertilizer on the Growth and Phosphorus Uptake in Oil Palm Seedlings

Pauliz Budi Hastuti, Sri Manu Rohmiyati


This research aimed to evaluate the effect of empty fruit bunches (efb) compost, phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (PSB), lime, and types of P fertilizer on the growth and availability of Phosphorus and P uptake in the pre-nursery (PN) oil palm seedlings in latosols. The pot experiments were arranged in a Factorial Completely Randomized method. The first factor was the application of efb compost: without efb compost, efb compost, without efb compost + PSB, and without efb compost + lime. The second factor was the types of P fertilizer: SP-36, RP, guano, and NPKMg + Urea as a control. The results showed that the combination of without efb compost +lime and RP fertilizer produces the highest number of leaves. The influence of a single factor showed that the application of without efb, efb compost, without efb compost +PSB, without efb compost + lime, resulted in the same growth of seedlings, except on plant height and the length of the leaf. The various types of P fertilizer led to the same growth of seedlings except for stem diameter. The highest available P was obtained in the combination of without efb compost + PSB with SP-36 fertilizer, which was 631.1% compared to control (without efb compost and NPKMg, Urea) and the lowest in the combination of without efb compost + lime with (NPKMg, Urea). The treatment without efb compost + lime with SP-36 fertilizer increased P uptake of leaves by 55.6% and stem by 47.1% compared to control.


Efb compost; Latosols; Prenursery; P fertilizer

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