Efek Limbah Padat Minyak Kayu Putih terhadap Populasi Nematoda Sista Kuning dan Pertumbuhan Kentang

Yogo Laksono, Subagiya Subagiya, Supriyadi Supriyadi, Susilo Hambeg Poromarto


Potato cyst nematode (PCN) is a pest organism on potato being able to reduce the yield of potatoes. The damage caused by the pest on potato yield about 50-75 %, so need to control the PCN by using natural pesticides. Eucalyptus oil waste may be used as natural pesticides, because these oil can volatile with many active compounds. This study aims to assess the effect of provision of solid waste of eucalyptus oil against populations of PCN, growth and yield of potatoes. The research method was used a randomized completely block design. There were two factors, namely the storage age of the waste (age one year and 5-6 year) and dosage (100 g, 200 g and 400 g). The research variable was the population of nematodes in the soil, the plant height and potato yields. Provision of the waste was able to reduce the population of the cyst as much of 39.7%. Treatment with the waste was reduce the eggs of nematodes at 26.3%, so treatment of waste a year was able to reduce the average cyst by 42.7%. A dose of waste 400 g provided the results of the population PCN low (222.1 every 100 g of soil for cyst and 0.06 every 100 g soil to PCN juvenile 2) compared with another dose. Treatment with a dose of 400 grams was able to reduce the population of cyst by 26%. The smallness of the population of PCN influenced by several factors such as the chemical compounds contained in the waste eucalyptus oil of . The growth of higher plants which was highest at a dose of 400 g (17.06 cm) with the highest yield i.e. 12.34 g.


Plant tubers; Globodera rostochiensis; Melaleuca sp

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