Effect of Type of Natural Substances Plant Growth Regulator on Nutmeg (Myristica Fragrans) Seedlings

Fitri Kurniati, Elya Hartini, Azhar Solehudin


Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt) is an important spices in Indonesia. The advantages of nutmeg is essential oil content, the result of distillation which is for the spices industry, the manufacture of soaps, perfumes, cosmetics, have high economic value and are a source of foreign exchange to non oil & gas, Indonesia is able to supply the needs of the market the world of up to 70% to 75%. Generally, nutmeg in Indonesia use generative propagation which has the strong root system and long life, but the germination takes a long time. Using the natural plant growth regulators for germination can be used to accelerate growth. Natural PGR’s can be extracted from some plants such shallot as a source of auxin, banana hump as a source of cytokinins, and bamboo shoots as a source of giberellin.The purpose of this study was to determine the types of natural PGR’s that have good effect on the growth of nutmeg seedling. The experiment was carried out in Desa, Bugel, Kecamatan Ciawi Tasikmalaya with altitude at 600 meters above sea level, from June 2018 to September 2018. This study used Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) Method. The treatments were: a0= control, a1= shallot, a2= bamboo shoot, a3= banana hump, a4= shallot + bamboo shoot, a5= shallot +, banana hump, a6= bamboo shoot + banana hump, a7= shallot + bamboo shoot + banana hump.The result showed that:1) type of natural substances plant growth regulator effected on various growth variable, 2) Combination of shallot bulb + bamboo shoot, or combination of shallot bulb + bamboo shoot and banana hump good effected on plant height, seedling diametre, number of leaf, leaf area, and shoot root ratio.


Nutmeg; Type Natural PGR’s; Bamboo Shoot; Banana Hump; Shallot

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