Kajian Faktor Penyebab Kerusakan Tanah dalam Memproduksi Biomassa di Kecamatan Padas Kabupaten Ngawi

Sumarno Sumarno, Purwanto Purwanto, Sely Rakhmawati


Soil deterioration for biomass production caused by soil processing out of control and that can make the soil quality become decrease. The research aims to map out soil potention and status for biomass production as a reference for government in Padas sub-district to preserve and repair soil quality. The research aims to map of potention and status of soil deterioration as a reference for government in Padas sub-district, so they can preserve and repair soil quality. This research was conducted using a survey method, with observations, take the soil samples for laboratory analyses and then scoring and matching from result of analyses to determine soil status . The result of this research showed Parameters contributing to soil damage in Kecamatan Padas are permeability in all unit of land maps, texture parameters in unit of land maps 2, 3, and 4, then soil redox parameters in unit of land maps 3 and 5. This is because the soil texture has a high klei content so that the ability to withstand high water which causes low permeability values and soil conditions that are water-saturated or inundated will result in a low soil redox value or <200 mV. Padas sub-district Ngawi regency is include into minor damage status or RI with 5 total score based on the Government Regulation No. 150 of 2000.


Soil Processing; Soil Deterioration; Biomass

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