Efektivitas Ekstrak Daun Bunga Pukul Empat untuk Pengendalian Penyakit Mosaik Kacang Panjang

Supyani Supyani, Sri Widadi, Wahyu Hidayah Andriyani Jamil


Production of long beans has declined, caused by mosaic virus infection. The disease was still difficult to be control. This study aims to determine role and to measure the effectivity of Mirabilis jalapa leaf extract to inhibit long bean mosaic disease, based on the concentration of extract and time of  application. The Research was arranged by Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with two factors, time of application, and concentration of M. jalapa leaf extract. Data were analyzed  using F  test and DMRT (Duncans Multiple Range Test) at level of 5%. The results showed that application of M. jalapa leaf extract 25% one day before inoculation was best treatment to delay the emergence of the mosaic disease symptoms up to 32 days and able to increase the average weight of pods up to 104,45 grams. Soaking the seeds to extract 25% were able to suppress the virus up to 96,93%. The Application of M. jalapa leaf extract 50% with symptomatic leaf sap of mosaic simultaneously showed highest in plant’s fresh weight and biomass weight. Concentration of M. jalapa  leaf extract 25%, which applied one day before inoculation was most effective to control the mosaic virus disease.


Long beans; M. jalapa leaf extract; Long bean mosaic diseases

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