Yayan Suherlan, Adinda Dwi Rahmawati, Qotrunnada Salwa, Venanda Putri Agustina, Nindy Maulida Hanum, Ony Sheane Fanmelia Damanik, Antieq Kesuma Kawotjo, Eny Wahyuning Tyas, Alfiyah Nur Amanah, Ahmad Puji Sulistyo Adi, Aziz Dafa Putra


Empowering MSME (Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) through digital technology is one of the strategic efforts to revive the economy in the midst of a pandemic. The objectives in this empowerment program are divided into two, they are general objectives and specific objectives. The general objective of this empowerment is to realize healthy and quality MSME, create independence and equitable distribution of income, create MSME that is able to encourage economic growth and alleviate poverty. Meanwhile, the specific purpose of this empowerment is to introduce partner MSME to business strategies in the midst of a pandemic including the use of technology for marketing and product branding facilities. This empowerment activity was carried out using descriptive qualitative methods. Data collection by conducting interviews and empowerment is carried out using counseling, training, and mentoring methods both online and offline which are specifically aimed at solving problems for selected partners. The selection of partners is carried out by considering the potential of partners to survive and develop, as well as having products that are of sufficient quality and able to compete with similar MSME. The impact of this empowerment activity is an increase in the coverage of the marketing area so that MSME partners have the opportunity to increase sales and develop their business. In this way, we hope that partner MSME can become examples of other MSME activists in optimizing digital technology for marketing their MSME products.

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Undang-Undang nomor 20 tahun 2008 tentang Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah


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