Pengamatan Organisme Pengganggu Tanaman Penting Tanaman Nilam

Desianty Dona Normalisa Sirait


Pests on patchouli plants were rare reported, especially in North Sumatra. Observation of important patchouli pests was aimed to observe and identify important patchouli pests in North Sumatra and Aceh. The locations of observation in North Sumatra were Binjai District, South Tapanuli District, Mandailing Natal District, Toba Samosir District, Pakpak Bharat District dan Deli Serdang District. The location of observation in Aceh Province was Gayo Lues District.This research was held in 2019. The method of important pest inventory was carried out by conducting a direct survey to the location and direct interviews with patchouli farmers. Mosaic virus was thecommon disease found in patchouli plant with mild severe of 5-18.75% and very severe 87.5%, followedby red yellow disease (nematode) with mild severity 1-20%. The important disease that categorized as severe was budok disease found in Pintu Padang II Sub district, South Tapanuli District at 67.50%, and very severe (87.50%) was mosaic virus disease found in Bulu Cina Subdistrict, Deli Serdang District. Grass hopper was a pest that commonly found in patchouli with mild attack intensity (6.25-18.75%) and moderate attack intensity (21.2-30%), then followed by leaf-eating caterpillars with mild attack intensity 1.25-15%.


Budok; mosaic virus; red yellow disease

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