Efektifitas Tanaman Refugia Border Crop terhadap Serangan Hama Plutella xylostella dan Crocidolomia binotalis pada Tanaman Kubis Bunga

Ludviyatil Witri, Hari Purnomo


Pest attacks that become obstacles in cauliflower cultivation are Plutella xylostella and Crocidolomia binotalis, which can cause yield loss and crop failure. Efforts that can be used to reduce excessive use of pesticides are by controlling by the principles of integrated pest control by manipulating habitat using refugia plants grown as border crops. The plants used as refugia were T. subulata and T. erecta. The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of refugia as a border crop against the intensity and attack of P. xylostella and C. binotalis pests. The design used was a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with four treatments and six replications. Observations were made eight times with an interval of one week. Parameters observed were pest population, attack intensity, and parasitization level. The population of P. xylostella and C. binotalis larvae was highest in the P0 (control) treatment. The lowest average P. xylostella and C. binotalis larvae population was in the P3 treatment (T. subulata + T. erecta). The highest percentage of damage intensity every week in the control treatment (P0). Treatment P3 (T. subulata + T. erecta) gave a significantly different effect compared to treatment P1 (T. subulata) P2 (T. erecta) and P0 (control). No parasitoid was found that attacks P. xylostella, Eriborus argenteopilosus is a parasitoid of C. binotalis with a parasitation rate of 54%.


biological control; cultivation; parasitization rate

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