Efek Perubahan Kondisi Fisik Benih Kopi Terhadap Konsentrasi Hormon Giberellin (GA3) dan Perendaman Suhu Air yang Berbeda

Dede Suhendra, Siska Efendi, Aswaldi Anwar


The propagation plants coffee is carried out in generative manner and needs be optimized with treating gibberellin hormone and water temperature in germination stage of coffee seeds. This research aimed to know the effects of changes in the physical condition of coffee seeds with concentration of gibberellin hormone (GA3) and different water temperatures. This research conducted at the Seed Technology Laboratory Faculty Agiculture, Andalas University from July to September 2020. The method used was Randomized Complete Design with 3 replications. The parameters observed were seed weight early (g), seed weight after treatment (g), seed moisture content early (%), moisture content seed after treatment (%) and membrane leakage (μmhos). Results showed that 200 ppm of gibberellin hormone concentration can increase weight of seed after treatment with 4.28 g. The best seed moisture content was at 90°C water immersion temperature with 48.28%.


membrane leakage, moisture content, seed weight

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