Analisis Pertumbuhan Beberapa Varietas Kedelai pada Perbedaan Intensitas Cekaman Kekeringan

Ratih Suryaningrum, Edi Purwanto, Sumiyati Sumiyati


Soybean demand in the market today has not been matched by domestic production. Many of the problems that cause insufficient  production of soy,  one of which is  the drought  affecting soybean growth and  yield. Efforts should be made to overcome the drought is to provide soybean varieties tolerant to drought stress. This study aims  to  assess  the  effect  of  the  difference  in  intensity  of  drought  stress  on the growth of some soybean varieties. This study uses a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial with two factors, the first factor and the second factor soybean varieties  drought  stress  levels.  Results showed significant  of lowering the value of RGR and NAR. The higher the level of drought stress will decrease soybean growth. Tolerance limits for each variety is at 80% moisture content.


soybean; growth; stress

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