Danik Ayu Prasetyo, Eny Lestari, Bekti Wahyu Utami


This study aims to analyze people's attitudes towards the urban farming program, identifying factors that shape people's attitudes towards urban farming programs, analyzing the relationship between attitude-forming factors and people's attitudes towards urban farming programs. This study uses quantitativemethods with descriptive analysis and survey techniques. The location of the study was carriedout in Jebres Subdistrict.The study sample was 70 people taken by proportional random sampling.The data sources used in this study are primary and secondary. The data analysis that used is Rank Kendall. The results showed that:(1) the factors forming the attitude are characteristics of individuals (age majority at age 15-64 years/ the productive age category, majority high school education), personal experience in the medium category, family influence in the high category, reference group in the sufficient category, exposure to mass media in the medium category, and culture in the high category.(2)  People's attitude towards the program objectives in the agreed category, the implementation of the program in the neutral category and the program results in the agreed category. (3) There is a significant relationship between personal experience, reference groups, exposure to mass media and culture to urban farming programs. While individual characteristics and family influences have no significant relationship with people's attitudes toward urban farming programs.



Attitude; People; Urban Farming; Masyarakat; Pertanian Perkotaan; Sikap

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