Dampak Penambangan Emas Tradisional pada Lingkungan dan Pakan Ternak di Pulau Lombok

L. G. S Astiti, T. Sugianti


The aims of this study were to investigate the impact of traditional mines on
environment and forage in Lombok Island. The study was conducted in 2013 on forage, water
and soil in 26 villages around the mining site in west Lombok and central Lombok Regency.
The result shows that mercury contamination was detected from some location being
investigated. The percentage of villages that have mercury contamination was detected in
72% location and water contamination with cyanide detected in 66.7% location.
Furthermore, the level of mercury in the soil has exceeded the allowable threshold as well as
the content of cyanide in water. In forage samples obtained, there was approximately 0.05
ppm of mercury found in 7.7 % of locations. The extent of mercury and cyanide contamination
in environment can provide a low exposure to the surrounding communities and livestock it
needs further awareness to anticipate of hazard on human and livestock health.
Keywords: Traditional mining, mercury, cyanide, forage and environment impact

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