Tinjauan Tentang Populasi Sapi Potong dan Kontribusinya terhadap Kebutuhan Daging di Jawa Tengah

T Prasetyo, D Maharso, C Setiani


The meat consumption in Indonesia is still relatively low, thus the opportunity to increase beef cattle production (population) as a meat production is relatively high. Therefore, a study on the balance of population in Central Java was carried out in order to analyze the population balance of beef cattle in Central Java. The explorative observation study and field survey was carried out in Banyumas, Purworejo, Jepara, Boyolali regencies and Surakarta, Semarang, Pekalongan. Whereas for Province central java level we used desk study method. The results of the study show that the dynamics of livestock population is determined by fertility, mortality, buchering, input and output of the livestock in certain area. The dynamic of beef cattle in Central Java in the last ten years (1995-2004) has increased 0.91 approximately. However, the increase during 2004-2005 estimated only 0.22%. central Java’s contribution to national meat production is 12.75% with increasing on production during 1997-2004 is 6.56%. this development is higher than the population increasing (0.91%/year). The increase of beef cattle population in Pekalongan is the highest (73.50%) though its population is the lowest (285 beef cattles in 2004). The decrease population is in Semarang (-10.06%) and jepara Regency (-1.68%). Implicitly it show thet in the
period, the quantities of buchering beef cattle is over the birth level.

Key words : Balance population, demand of beef, cattle


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