Kontribusi Usaha Ternak Sapi Perah Terhadap Pendapatan Keluarga Peternak di Kecamatan Musuk Kabupaten Boyolali

Sutrisno Hadi Purnomo, Endang Tri Rahayu, Aris Adik Setyawan


The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics and management of dairy cattle
business, analyze the contribution of dairy cattle business to the family income of farmers, analyze the
relationship between business income dairy cattle farm and revenue contribution of dairy cattle,
analyze the influence of various factors on the level of production the income of farmers. This research
was conducted in the Ringin larik village, Kebun Gulo and Dragan at District Musuk of Boyolali
Regency in July 2013. The method is Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA). Total of sample of 60 respondents.
The data is primary data from interviews of respondents and secondary data obtained from relevant
agencies in the district boyolali. Analysis of the data used is descriptive analysis, analysis of revenue
dairy farmers, ranchers analysis of household income, revenue contribution analysis of dairy cattle
ranchers on household income, pearson correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis.
The results showed an average responden net income of the business dairy cattle 4 scale is
Rp. 6,483,050.33 in year. The contribution of business dairy cattle breeders to household income is
19,38%. The correlation of value between the scale of the dairy cattle business with revenues and
contribution of dairy cattle income has a positive value is 0,597 and 0,521. Positive values indicate
that larger scale dairy cattle business will increase farmers income and have a strong relationship.
The results of the t test on regression analysis, coefficient of t hitung variable labor costs (X3) and the
cost of IB (X5) is 2,081 and 2,066 greater or significant t tabel.


Contribution, dairy cattle farms, income, family of farmers

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