Pengaruh Deposisi Semen Terhadap Keberhasilan Inseminasi Buatan (IB) Sapi Peranakan Ongole

Nilawati Widjaja, Tedi Akhdiat, Devi Purwasih


The research was aimed to analyze the effect of semen deposition in position of cervix utery, corpus utery, and cornua utery on the success of artificial insemination (AI) of Peranakan Ongole Catlle as well as to determine appropriate semen deposition which is able to yield the highest pregnancy in Peranakan Ongole Cattle. Data was analyzed with chi square Kruskal Wallis method within three kind of treatments, consisted of semen deposition on cervix utery (D1), semen deposition on corpus utery (D2), semen deposition on cornua utery (D3). Each treatment was replicated eight times. Conception rate and service per conception were observed in this research. Data were analyzed with non-parametric statistic. The results showed that CR value for D1, D2, and D3 were 12.5, 37.5, and 87.5%, respectively, and S/C values were 8.00, 2.60, and 1.14, respectively. This study concluded that semen deposition affected the success of artificial insemination (AI) in Peranakan Ongole cattle.  Semen deposition on cornua utery yielded the highest level of pregnancy in Peranakan Ongole cattle.


Artificial insemination; Ongole-grade cattle; Semen deposition

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