Sistem Pembagian Kerja, Akses dan Kontrol terhadap Sumber Daya Ekonomi dalam Keluarga Peternak Rakyat Sapi Potong di Kabupaten Grobogan

Ayu Intan Sari


The research was aimed to analyze the system of work difision, access and control and to know the factors to be considered in deciding work defision, access and control toward the source of economic on the family of beef cattle farmer, based on the income from the effort of beef cattle farmer and the role to support productive economic of family, and to know gender happen in family of beef cattle farmer. The data collection was done in Grobogan Regency. The basis method of the research used was descriptive qualitative method, and the samples were taken with purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using interactive analysis (Interactive Model of analysis). The result of the result showed that husbands in the family of beef cattle farmer had more role on the work related with public (outdoor), and wives were only work on domestic sector as house wife (62%), thus they did not get income (42%). In the system of work difision to activity related with production, about 95% were done by husband, and the production activity by wife (91%). While for animal production, the activity was done together between husband and. For access and control toward source of economic family, husband more dominated than wife, and the role of wife to take decided was less than husband.


Key words : system of work division, access, source of economic, family of beef cattle farmer

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