Profil Laboratorium Ibu Hamil dengan COVID-19 di Rumah Sakit UNS

Hafi Nurinasari, Nurhasan Agung Prabowo, Asih Anggraeni, Syahrini Wisdayanti, Sri Sulistyowati



Kasus ibu hamil dengan kondisi COVID-19 terjadi perubahan sistem imun dan luaran kehamilan. Pasien kehamilan dengan COVID-19 membutuhkan tatalaksana yang khusus. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui profil laboratorium ibu hamil dengan COVID-19  di Rumah Sakit UNS.


Penelitian yang dilakukan bersifat observasional analitik. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah cohort retrospektif. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Rumah Sakit UNS Sukoharjo mulai dari bulan Januari sampai Februari  2021. Kriteria inklusi adalah ibu hamil dengan suspek COVID-19. Data klinis dan laboratorium dibandingkan antara kelompok COVID-19 dan non COVID-19. Uji statistik menggunakan uji t independent dan uji chi square. P bermakna jika p <0,05.

Hasil: Dari  32 pasien ibu hamil suspek COVID-19, 18 terdiagnosis Non COVID-19 dan 14 pasien COVID-19. Rerata usia adalah Non COVID-19 adalah 30,33+6,62 tahun, pasien COVID-19 31,36+6,57. Peningkatan leukosit lebih banyak didapatkan pada pasien Non COVID-19 (p=0,01), sedangkan neutrofil (p=0,01), NLR (p=0,03) dan lama rawat inap (p=0,01) lebih banyak pada pasien COVID-19 dibandingkan pasien COVID-19..

Kesimpulan: Leukosit, neutrofil, NLR dan lama rawat inap berbeda antara pasien hamil dengan COVID-19 dan Non COVID-19.

Kata Kunci: COVID-19, Kehamilan, leukosit, netrofil, NLR, lama rawat inap.


Introduction: In cases of pregnant women with COVID-19 conditions, changes in the immune system and pregnancy outcomes occur. Pregnant patients with COVID-19 need exceptional management. The research objective was to determine the Laboratory Profile for Pregnant Women with COVID-19 at the UNS Hospital.

Method: This research is analytic observational. The research design used was a retrospective cohort. This research was conducted at the UNS Hospital from January to February 2021. The inclusion criteria were pregnant women with suspected COVID-19. We compare Demographic and laboratory data between the COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 groups. Statistical test using independent t-test and chi-square test. P is significant if p <0.05.

Result: Of the 32 pregnant women patients with suspected COVID-19, 18 were diagnosed with Non-COVID-19 and 14 were COVID-19 patients. The mean age was Non COVID-19 was 30.33 + 6.62 years, for COVID-19 patients 31.36 + 6.57. The increase in leukocytes was more found in Non COVID-19 patients (p = 0.01), while neutrophils (p = 0.01), NLR (p = 0.03) and length of stay (p = 0.01) were more in COVID-19 patients versus COVID-19 patients ..

Conclusion: Leukocytes, Neutrophils, NLR, and length of stay differed between pregnant patients  COVID-19 and non-COVID-19.

Keywords: COVID-19, Pregnancy, Leukosit, Netrofil, Neutrophils to lymphocyte ratio, length of stay


COVID-19;Kehamilan; leukosit; netrofil; NLR; lama rawat inap

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