Tinjauan Terkini Hemofilia A yang Didapat : Aspek Diagnosis dan Manajemen

Ibnu Purwanto


Hemofilia A yang didapat adalah penyakit yang jarang terdiagnosis dan seringkali salah terdiagnosis namun berpotensi menyebabkan perdarahan yang mengancam nyawa. Penyakit autoimun akibat pembentukan autoantibodi (inhibitor) terhadap FVIII ini hampir setengahnya memiliki gangguan lain yang mendasari. Pemanjangan activated partial thromboplastin time, mixing test yang tidak terkoreksi, rendahnya aktivitas FVIII, dan bukti inhibitor FVIII mendukung penegakan diagnosis Hemofilia A yang didapat. Rintangan dalam manajemen pasien dimulai dari penegakan diagnosis hingga penentuan terapi, baik terapi hemostatik, imunosupresi, serta pengobatan penyakit penyerta. Pemilihan terapi serta pengendalian terhadap efek samping dari pengobatan memerlukan perhatian khusus agar tercapai hemostasis dan remisi yang bertahan lama.

Acquired Hemophilia A can potentially cause life-threatening conditions due to profuse bleeding, but this autoimmune disease is mostly underdiagnosed. Hemophilia A occurs due to the development of an antibody against FVIII, moreover up to half of these cases have underlying conditions. Prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time, uncorrected mixing test, low FVIII activity, and detection of FVIII inhibitors support the diagnosis of acquired Hemophilia A. However, several challenges lay within patients’ management strategy, such as diagnosis workup and therapeutical choices. Treatment for acquired hemophilia A encompasses hemostatic therapy, immunosuppression, and treatment of underlying disease. Moreover, therapeutical choice and side effects control require special consideration to achieve hemostasis and durable remission.


AHA-Aquired Hemophilia A; diagnosis; management

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