Kultur Bakteri Positif pada Pasien dengan Perforasi Gaster di RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta: Sebuah Studi Retrospektif

Muhammad David Perdana Putra, Muhammad Singgih Nugraha, Agus Raharjo


Pendahuluan: Perforasi gaster mengakibatkan kebocoran asam lambung kedalam rongga perut, sehingga berkembang menjadi peritonitis kimia. Infeksi bakteri dapat menyertai peritonitis dengan mayoritas patogen penyebab infeksi adalah Enterobactericeae Sp., Stretococcus Sp., dan Bacteroides Fragilis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil penderita perforasi gaster dengan kultur bakteri positif di RSUD Dr. Moewardi.

Metode: Pasien diobservasi secara retrospektif dari rekam medis pasien yang didiagnosis perforasi gaster dalam kurun waktu 2017 - 2018.

Hasil: Dalam 2017-2018 ditemukan 84 pasien, 13 diantaranya hasil pemeriksaan kultur positif, onset dilakukan operasi lebih dari 12 jam pada 10 pasien (77%) wanita, 3 pasien (23%) Laki-laki. Sembilan pasien (69%) diatas umur 40 th, 4 pasien (31%) dibawah 40 th. Berdasarkan letak perforasi, 1 pasien (8%) di Antrum, 10 pasien (77%) di pylorus dan 2 pasien (15%) di curvatura mayor. Jenis bakteri yang ditemukan Staphilococcus Epidermidis 4 pasien (30%), Staphilococcus Haemoliticus 5 pasien (40%) dan Enterobacter chloacae 4 pasien (30%).

Kesimpulan: Didapatkan 13 pasien pemeriksaan kultur positif. Tidak ditemukan jenis bakteri yang dominan.


Introduction: Gastric perforation results in leakage of stomach acid into the abdominal cavity, thus developing into chemical peritonitis. Bacterial infections can accompany peritonitis with the majority of pathogens causing infection are Enterobactericeae sp., Streptococcus sp., and Bacteroides fragilis. This study aims to determine the profile of patients with gastric perforation with positive bacterial culture in Dr. Moewardi Hospital Surakarta.

Methods: Patients were observed retrospectively from the medical records of patients diagnosed with gastric perforation in the period 2017 - 2018.

Results: In 2017-2018 84 patients were found, 13 of them were positive culture results, the onset of surgery was more than 12 hours in 10 patients (77%) female, 3 patients (23%) male. Nine patients (69%) were over 40 years old, 4 patients (31%) were under 40 years old. Based on the perforation location, 1 patient (8%) in antrum, 10 patients (77%) in pylorus and 2 patients (15%) in curvatura major. The types of bacteria found were Staphylococcus epdermidis in 4 patients (30%), Staphylococcus haemoliticus in 5 patients (40%) and Enterobacter chloacae in 4 patients (30%).

Conclusion: There were 13 positive culture examination patients. No dominant bacterial type was found.

Keywords: retrospective, gastric perforation, infection, bacterial culture


retrospektif; perforasi gaster; infeksi; kultur bakteri

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