
Introduction: Learning clinical skills in the skills lab gives students the opportunity to learn and practice their clinical skills before examining directly to patients. However, the skills lab itself has many components that require good management and leadership to avoid obstacles or problems in the implementation of learning.

Method: Literature review conducted through google and google scholar search engines with the keywords “leadership”, “management”, “team”, and “skills lab” from 1985-2015.

Result: There are several concepts from literature study that can be applied to overcome managerial problems in the skills lab. An effective leader / manager profile according to Quinn (Quinn’s eight roles) is needed in leading the skills lab because the head of the skills lab as the first line manager is responsible for managerial problems in the skills lab. In addition, management and leadership in the skills lab is also very necessary to produce an effective and efficient team so that the performance and contribution of the management team is effective. By understanding the Belbin Team Roles, the concept can be adapted in managing the skills lab management by synergizing the roles among the members of the skills lab management team. Within this concept, there are eight aspects of roles in a good management team.

Conclusion: Given the complexity in the skills lab, managerial problems can arise that can result in the preparation of modules, equipment, facilities, etc. being unprepared. Managerial problem solving in the skills lab can be solved by applying the manager's roles and functions, Quinn's eight roles and the Belbin team roles.

Pendahuluan: Pembelajaran keterampilan klinis di skills lab memberikan kesempatan mahasiswa untuk belajar dan mempraktikkan keterampilan klinis mahasiswa sebelum terjun ke pasien langsung. Namun, skills lab sendiri memiliki komponen yang banyak sehingga memerlukan manajemen dan leadership yang baik supaya tidak terjadi kendala atau permasalahan dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran.

Metode: Literature review yang dilakukan melalui search engine google dan google scholar dengan kata kunci “leadership”, “management”, “team”, dan “skills lab” dari tahun 1985-2015.

Hasil: Ada beberapa konsep dari studi literatur terpilih yang dapat diaplikasikan untuk mengatasi permasalahan manajerial di skills lab. Profil pemimpin/manajer yang efektif menurut Quinn (Quinn’s eight roles) sangat diperlukan dalam memimpin skills lab karena kepala bagian skills lab sebagai manajer lini pertama bertanggung jawab terhadap permasalahan manajerial di skills lab. Selain itu, manajemen dan leadership di skills lab juga sangat diperlukan untuk menghasilkan tim yang efektif dan efisien sehingga kinerja dan kontribusi tim pengelola menjadi efektif. Dengan memahami the Belbin Team Roles, maka konsep tersebut dapat diadaptasi dalam pengelolaan manajemen skills lab dengan melakukan sinergi peran diantara anggota tim pengelola skills lab. Dalam konsep tersebut, terdapat delapan aspek peran dalam sebuah tim manajemen yang bagus.

Kesimpulan: Dengan adanya kompleksitas di skills lab, maka dapat timbul permasalahan manajerial seperti kurang siapnya modul, peralatan, fasilitas, dan lainnya. Penyelesaian permasalahan manajerial di skills lab dapat ditinjau dari aplikasi peran dan fungsi manajer, Quinn’s eight roles dan the Belbin team roles.


leadership; management; skills lab

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