Performance Measurement Application Model in a Cooperative Using Prospector Strategy and Athena’s Organizational Culture

Hernawati Pramesti, Kristyana Dananti


Generally, cooperative management has not been in the synergy between the department of cooperatives, the SMEs and the managers in it. It can be seen in the management aspect, especially regarding performance measurement that in needs of equal attitudes and actions in design making. The assessment model for a cooperative conducted by the department of cooperatives is just focused on the financial statements. The purpose of this research is to create a performance measurement application program for cooperatives using the prospector strategy and the organizational culture of Athens. The approach is focused on testing the implementation of the program. The observation unit is the cooperatives in Surakarta. The observation unit is associated with the organizer of the cooperatives. The respondents are chosen based on the success criteria of the organizer in generating financial reports. The method of this research is descriptive qualitative analysis. The output of this research is a web-based application program in the form of a cooperatives performance measurement.


Performance, Cooperation, Prospector Strategy and Athens Culture

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