Sebelas Maret Business Review, hereafter SMBR,
provides a forum for both academics and professionals to share their idea about the latest
development of management and business in the Southeast Asia context. SMBR could also be an
outlet for a solid recommendation in order to assist organizations or other entities in the
current business world situation. SMBR publishes both empirical and non-empirical (contextual,
descriptive, case-study) articles. To cope with the current advancement of the publishing world
especially in the academic journal article, SMBR follows the modern-style of article journal
presentation. Each article published in SMBR have an outstanding story inside, strong background
and contribution, robust analysis and/or empirical testing, and convincing conclusion and
managerial implications. SMBR operate blind review processes for each submitted article to
ensure rigorous publishing process. More several other changes in Sebelas Maret Business Review
are informed in the Journal History.
Please download Author Guidelines,
Manuscript Template and Copyright Original Statement Sebelas Maret Business Review please click
link here
For this edition, the authors are coming from Indonesia and Malaysia
Table of Contents
Fauziah Chairiyati, Evania Herindar, Muhammad Irsyad
Novia Sumarni, Francisca Sestri Goestjahjanti, Tias Pramono, Wahyu Murti
Briliane Jovita Jaya, Besse Nur Fathimah Hefri, Astri Suryanti, Trisninik Ratih Wulandari
Erfan Rachmadi, Jia Jia Hing
Harnung Indah Permatasari, Tarysha Aulya Putri Rany, Henny Firizqi, Husban Yarjuna Firdaus