Eksplorasi Bentuk-Bentuk Geometri Dengan Berbagai Media untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran Pembelajaran pada TK Pertiwi Kecemen 2 Manisrenggo Klaten

Sismiyati Sismiyati


Abstract. This study aims to improve the quality of learning geometric shapes in group A TK  Pertiwi Kecemen 2 Manisrenggo Klaten in the academic year 2018/2019. This research is a classroom action research with the subject of the study was the students of Group A TK Pertiwi Kecemen 2 Manisrenggo Klaten in the academic year 2018/2019, amounting to 21 children. Data collection techniques using observation, test and interview techniques. From the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that the application of various learning media on learning geometric shapes can improve the quality of learning in group A TK Pertiwi Kecemen 2 Manisrenggo Klaten in the academic year 2018/2019. This is marked by an increase in the percentage of student learning outcomes that have good (score 4) and excellent (score 5)
criteria, from 0% (good) and 0% (very good) before the cycle, to 28.57% (good) and 28.57% (very good) in the first cycle, and increased to 47.62% (good) and 52.38% (very good) in the second cycle.
Kata kunci: geometric shapes, various media, quality of learning

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