Analisis Kemampuan Problem Solving Menurut John A. Malone dalam Pokok Bahasan Pecahan Ditinjau dari Kemampuan Awal Siswa

Anik Dyah Widayati, Triyanto Triyanto, Dhidhi Pambudi


This objective of this research are to find out: problem solving ability of fraction viewed from student’s prior knowledge, and factors affecting in it. This research is a qualitative research and the subject of the research is some of seven grade students. This research uses purposive sampling. It uses documentation method to obtain data prior knowledge on students, test method to collect data on student’s problem solving ability of fraction, observation method to observe learning process in the observation class, and interview method to clarify the information which is obtained from tes method. It can be concluded that be found: (1) the students who have high prior knowledge was at substance - completion level, (2) the students who have medium prior knowledge was at approach - completion level, (3) the students who have low prior knowledge was at noncommencement - substance level. Also some factors affecting the problem solving ability are: (1) student’s comprehension of the concept and problem, (2) ability of relating the material concept with problem solving procedure, (3) initiative to find a problem solving idea, (4) student’s critical thinking ability, (5) student’s precision, (6) learning method and media.


problem solving, problem solving ability, prior knowledge, fraction

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