Lintang Ronggowulan, Yasin Yusup, Anton Subarno, Sarjoko Lelono, Sutarno Sutarno, Yunus Ari Wibowo, Hikari Dwi Saputro, Fitria Dewi Kartika


The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the education sector is very significant. The face-to-face learning process turned into distance learning. This study aimed to obtain information about parental understanding and forms of parental support for children in the learning process during the Covid-19 Pandemic Era in Ngoro Tengah Hamlet, Triyagan Village, Mojolaban District, Sukoharjo Regency. The method used is descriptive qualitative. In this research, we distributed questionnaires to parents of school-age children. And then, we provide counseling and distribute the questionnaires again. The results obtained are that it can be seen that the level of understanding of the community in the Ngoro Tengah Hamlet, Triyagan Village, Mojolaban District, and Sukoharjo Regency regarding the children's learning process in the Covid-19 pandemic era is relatively high, but it turns out that in the process of implementing online learning the respondents in this study stated that the difficulties in implementing online learning and feel that online learning makes respondents difficult and not optimal and the role of parents in the form of support for children in the learning process shows a good response with 95.77% supporting online learning.


Parental Assistance, Childern Learning, Covid-19

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