Idea Wening Nurani, Sandy Budi Wibowo, Rosalia Desti Anggraeni


Along with the increasing population and lifestyle of people drinking coffee, coffee shops increased significantly. This not only impacts socially and economically but also impacts the environment. Sustainability demands coffee shops to manage environmental problems that arise from business activities. This article aims to examine the environmental aspects (energy, water, waste) and spatial aspects of coffee shops in Malang city. The methodology of this research was focused on data acquisition related to tabular and geospatial information provided online through social media, news websites, and online food order applications. Descriptive quantitative and spatial approaches were made in this research. The results showed that most coffee shops in Malang city-operated daily for 7-12 hours, provided food and beverages, and used a combination of glass/porcelain and disposable materials as the packaging. These could trigger problems related to high energy and water consumption and waste generalization. Meanwhile, several coffee shops began to initiate the green action by using steel straw, reusing cups, and reducing plastic. As located mainly in the city center and densely populated area, the local government should pay more attention to this area regarding environmental management and urban planning. Hopefully, the emergence of coffee shops can contribute positively socially and economically without exacerbating the urban environmental problems.


Environment; Urban planning; Spatial distribution; Coffee shop; Malang

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