Norsidi Norsidi, Novita Sariani


This study aims to determine the form of implementation of character education towards a cultured and environmentally concerned school (Adiwiyata) and the obstacles in implementing character education towards a cultured and environmentally concerned school (Adiwiyata). The method used in this research is a quantitative approach. Collecting data using a structured questionnaire with closed questions. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling. The number of samples is 75 students. The research data used descriptive data analysis techniques of percentages in the form, mode, median, average, standard deviation (standard deviation). The results showed that the overall form of implementation of character education towards a cultured and environmentally concerned school (Adiwiyata) with an average score of 3.60% in the good category, students were familiar with using sinks and water faucets to wash their hands. Constraints in the Implementation of Character Education Towards Cultured and Environmentally Concerned Schools (Adiwiyata) as a whole with an average percentage score of 3.56% in the good category, are in accordance with the indicators of environmental care and Adiwiyata schools.


Character Building; Cultural School; Environmental Care

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