Muhammad Alfi, Edwar Edwar, Zairin Zairin, Warsa Sugandi Karman, Suhendro Suhendro


This study aims to obtain data, process, analyze and discuss the Community Vulnerability in the Coastal Areas of Pariaman City in Earthquake Disaster Mitigation. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The population in this study are villages along the coast of Pariaman. Total population of 1117 households (KK). Sampling of respondents based on Proposional Random Sampling, namely 10% of the total population, so that the respondents totaled 117 people. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and interviews. Descriptive qualitative data analysis used frequency and percentage tables. The results of this study indicate the level of community vulnerability in the coastal area of Pariaman in earthquake mitigation shows a high vulnerability category. The general public must always be given outreach on a regular basis to be able to understand about knowledge before a disaster, during a disaster and after a disaster.


Vulnerability; Earthquake Disaster; Mitigation

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