Ronnawan Juniatmoko


Local governments must provide a public green space for 20% of the total city area. In addition for aesthetic value and beauty that is used as source of public recreation and green space that used to create cooler microclimate temperatures, maintain the balance of oxygen (O2) and carbondioxide (CO2), reduce pollutants, and help maintain water availability soil. Research aims to analyze and calculate the needs of Caruban City Green Space. Research used survey method with purposive sampling technique and secondary data analysis. Temperature analysis used the thom formula, while the analysis the needs of green space with the Geravkis method. Results of study showed that in six places had relatively cooler temperatures ranging from 26-31°C in the afternoon, 26-33°C in the morning, and in the middle of afternoon about 29 to 33°C. Data showed that in one place, namely, Ahmad Yani road showed the temperature about 31-36.5°C was relatively hot. Oxygen demand in 2020 requires a full green space of 133.92 ha. The results of this study are expected to provide recommendations in the application of Spatial Planning Law Number 26 of 2007 concerning spatial planning to improve the comfort of Caruban City dwellings in terms of the air environment.


O2, Green Open Space, Temperature

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