Norma Yuni Kartika, Muhammad Efendi, Ellyn Normelani, Nurhidayah Nurhidayah


Incidence of adolescent marriages in South Kalimantan is still high and acts an obstacle to maturing the marriage age program. This paper aims to analyze the dominant factors which contribute to the maturity of women’s marriages by modifying the social ecological framework theory. This survey study had 180 respondents with 113 women who were married under 19 years and 47 respondents who were married at 19-30 years, while the anlaysis was using bivariate and multivariate analysis. The variables used refer to the social ecological framework theory and there are 2 variables used here, namely individuals (education and  work status) and interpersonal (father’s education, father’s occupation and the economy of the respondent’s previous household). The results of the bivariate analysis are in line with social ecological framework theory. Furthermore, the results of multivariate analysis show that all of these variables are 35.7 percent influencing the adolescent marriages. Based on multivariate analysis, the most influential determinants on adolescent marriages are respondents from poor households before marriage, father’s working in agriculture, respondents do not work, fathers do not graduate from elementary school and respondents have low education.


Determinants, Marriages, Adolescents, Maturing

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