Amanda Widyawardana, Ardyanto Tanjung, Syamsul Bachri


Teaching material is one of the learning components that used to assist the students understand a material. To fulfill this function, at least the material provided is relevant to the students’ daily life. Therefore, it is necessary to develop teaching material that meets the concept of contextual learning. The purpose of this research was to produce teaching materials that are suitable to be used by developing a base of local wisdom. Local wisdom were chosen due to they are related to the concept of disaster mitigation, and are close to the students’ daily life. Research method used the Borg & Gall stage which was then adapted into, (1) collecting information and need analysis; (2) planning; (3) teaching material development; (4) prototype testing; (5) prototype revision; (6) model testing; (7) model revision. Through this stage, research product in the form of teaching materials was assessed for its feasibility by several experts and also tested on students as users. Product is targeted to gain a positive response from users with an average score above 70% which indicates that it is quite feasible to be implemented in learning, so that it may be an alternative as a learning resource besides using other textbooks.


Disaster Mitigation; Local Wisdom; Teaching Material

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