Adhitya Prihadi


The learning model can be used as an innovation to improve student learning outcomes, especially Paloh city is a border area that is included in the disadvantaged, frontier, and outermost (3T) areas. The purpose of this study is to 1) determine the needs of students towards the learning model of student facilitator and explaining in SMP Negeri 1 Paloh 2) determine the effectiveness of the use of learning models for student facilitators and explaining in SMP Negeri 1 Paloh. The method used was an experiment with a quasi-experimental form and the design of the Two Group Post Test Only, 3) whether the effective use of student facilitator and explaining learning models in SMP Negeri 1 Paloh. The results showed: 1) Students need the student facilitator and explaining learning model based on the results of the questionnaire calculation of 66% which shows a strong category 2) The results of the study show the learning group without the student facilitator and explaining model and the learning group student facilitator and explaining model with U test mann whitney there is Asymp sig (2 tailed) of 0.381> 0.05. These results indicate the learning model of student facilitator and explaining has no difference with other learning. Effect size to see the effectiveness of student learning facilitators and explaining with 0.1 results that are classified as low, these results can also be influenced by various other types of factors.


Student Facilitator and Explaining, Learning Outcomes, Effectiveness

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