Adam Irwansyah Fauzi


Flooding is the most devastating hydro-meteorological hazard in Baleendah. Therefore, communities in Baleendah needs more attention because they suffer the impacts every year. This paper focused on mapping flood hazard in the 1-km2 area in Baleendah. The study used spatial analysis functions in ArGIS. Also, an on-site survey was conducted to know the height of inundation by floods within the study area. The resulting flood hazard map shows that all communities are exposed to flood hazard with the total number of 5349 houses inundated by floods. The degree of inundation is divided into three (03) levels, low (0-0.5 m), moderate (0.5-1.5m), and high (above 1.5m). Positive attitude towards early actions and early warning systems, collaboration among disaster relief institutions and local government are recommended for reduction of flooding disaster risk.


Flood hazard mapping; Baleendah; GIS

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