Maria Hedwig Dewi Susilowati


Drought and food insecurity are recurring disasters in Lebak Regency. The drought is one of the obstacles in increasing food production in Lebak Regency. The objectives of this study are (a) Making maps of the drought and food insecurity region in Lebak Regency; (b) Evaluating the relationship between regions of drought and food insecurity. The analytical method uses spatial analysis and Chi-Square correlation to determine the relationship between drought region and food insecurity region. The results of the analysis concluded that firstly, the region of very high drought levelsconcentrated in the northern region which was relatively near to the district capital and south (southwest) relatively far from the district capital. Second, the classification of food insecurity found in Lebak Regency is food secure, rather food secure, instead of food insecurity and food insecurity.Third, the food insecurity and instead of food insecurity region tend to be in the region of moderate drought levels. Fourth, based on food insecurity region indicators, it is found that the number of poor families and sources of clean water more determines the level of food insecurity, this can see from the most significant score compared to other indicators. Fifth, the relationship between the drought level and food insecurity region is not significant at the 0.05 level, which means that the food insecurity and instead food insecurity region are not always in the high drought region. Likewise, the region of food secure and instead food secure is not always in a low dry region.


Drought region; food insecurity; mapping

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