Fajar Wulandari, Lili Yanti


This research in detail aims to improve the preparedness of the community and the school community in the face of the disaster of forest and peatland fires in Singkawang City. The level of community preparedness was obtained from the questionnaire score to measure preparedness and was strengthened by interviews with people who experienced the impact of the forest fire disaster, in 2018 in North Singkawang District.

The results of the research that have been obtained will be implemented in the school community (students) through direct observation and learning processes in the classroom. The target to be achieved in this study is a policy in the form of attitudes, countermeasures and systems that will be implemented so as to shape the attitudes of the community in preparedness in the face of forest fires and peatlands which will then be implemented in schools. The target can then publish scientific works that provide knowledge and convenience to researchers, mandatory outcomes in the form of publications in accredited national journals and additional output of international journals.

The method used in this study is the method Mixed methods, a form of combination research that combines quantitative approaches and qualitative approaches. Related to research mix-method focuses on data obtained from questionnaires (quantitative approaches) and reinforced by interviews with the community (qualitative approach). The sampling technique uses purposive random sampling technique. Subjects that will be used as research samples are Singkawang City community and school community in Senior High School 6 Singkawang. The data to be obtained in this study will be analyzed quantitatively descriptive and strengthened by interviews from the community, then the data obtained will be classified by the percentage technique.


Preparedness, Forest Fires, Peatland

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