dewi wahyuni baderan, Marini Susanti Hamidun, Farid S M


The aim of the current study is to calculate the value of the abundance, diversity, and the density of phyla mollusks in the Tutuwoto mangrove area of Anggrek District. The survey method is used in this study as a method, which means that it collects the data directly at the research area. The observations were carried out under mangrove stands. The area of the observation plot is 5m x 5m. Phylum mollusks collected at the study site were counted by the number of individuals, abundance, diversity, and density of the types of each species. Sanon-Wienner formula is used to calculate the species diversity, Brower formula is used to calculate the density, and Odum formula is used to calculate the abundance of the species. The findings show that it is found that the reasearch about phylum mollusks in Tutuwoto mangrove area consisted of 6 (six) types namely Terebralia sulcata, Terebralia palustris, Nerita articulate, Hexaplex trunculus, Anadara granosa, and Mactra grandis. Based on the calculation of the abundance, diversity, and density of the mollusks phylum at the research site, there are several types that have the highest value. In the gastropod class, Nerita articulata has the highest score with an abundance of 30.41%, diversity of 0.36, and density of 0.17 ind / m2, followed by Terebralia sulcata with an abundance of 28.07%, diversity 0.36, and density of 0.16 ind / m2. However, the lowest is owned by Terebralia palustris with an abundance value of 17.54%, diversity of 0.31, and density of 0.10 ind / m2. The values of abundance, diversity, and density in the bivalve class have different values. The type of Anadara granosa has an abundance value of 53.06%, diversity of 0.34, and density of 0.08 ind / m2 while Mactra grandis has an abundance value of 46.94%, diversity of 0.36, and density of 0.07 ind / m2. Based on the predetermined criteria of the Gastropod class, it has the abundance in many categories, exceptional of Terebralia palustris which has sufficient criteria.


Mangrove, Mollusks, Tutuwoto

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