Maria Hedwig Dewi Susilowati


The availability of food in a region is the most important thing for human development. Food is a major problem in poor families. Lebak Regency is a pocket of poverty located in Banten Province. The objectives of the study analyzed (1) spatial pattern of food availability level in Lebak Regency; (2) the relationship between elevation and slope to the area of food availability in Lebak Regency; (3) the relationship of food available to poor families. The method of analysis used in this study is spatial analysis  and statistical analysis (Chi-Square). The results conclusion that: first, the high availability of food surplus area spread outside the capital of Lebak Regency. Second, the elevation and slope had no effect on food availability; Third, the poor rural families are concentrated in the southern part of Lebak Regency, while urban poor located in the northern part, especially in the capital of Lebak Regency; Fourth, the relationship between food availability and the percentage of poor families is not significant at α = 0.05.


availability of food, elevation and slope, poverty

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