Persepsi dan Preferensi Konsumen terhadap Penggunaan Material Bangunan Berbasis Limbah

Frisgian Dewantara, Rijaluddin Rijaluddin, Firda Rasyidian Andayani, Lily Tambunan, Dewi Larasati


Environmental challenges stemming from the escalating volume of waste necessitate innovative solutions, one of which involves utilizing waste as a raw material for building materials. However, prevailing research in this domain has predominantly concentrated on their characteristics/performances, with a notable dearth in discussions pertaining to consumer-centric aspects. The objective of this research is to examine public responses, comprehension levels, and considerations associated with the utilization of waste-derived materials. Therefore, the development of waste-derived materials can be facilitated towards mass production. Employing qualitative research methods, this research unveils misconceptions surrounding waste-derived materials, as well as the readiness and the consideration aspects, such as material characteristic/performance, sustainability, economic factors, aesthetics, functionality, availability, and knowledge. The findings are anticipated to contribute insights for decision-making processes, policy formulation, and industrial practices, fostering the informed integration of waste-derived materials in the construction and related sectors.


building; consumer; perceptions; preferences; waste-derived materials

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