Evaluasi Terhadap Penerapan Desain Aksesibilitas Untuk Disabilitas Fisik di Fakultas Industri Kreatif Universitas Telkom

Widyanesti Liritantri, Andreas Dwiputro Handoyo, Kristal Puan Bazukarno, Leandro Krista Arnita


To have an education is the right of Indonesian citizens, including persons with disabilities. Likewise, it is stated in Ministry of PUPR Article 10 of Law no. 8/2016 and from Article 5 of the Regulation of the Menristekdikti 2017, where university have to provides facilities and infrastructure according to the needs of students with special needs. The Lack of the facilities for disabled person in the higher education, caused only 5 % from 10,8 million with dissabilities gain  degree from the universities. Therefore, Telkom University as an institution need to consider in providing higher education that can meet this needs. This research is expected to provide an overview for the development of design accessibility at the FIK Telkom University campus for them to get in the future. The method used is  qualitative descriptive approach. The result is FIK Telkom university have not meet the standard from Persyaratan Kemudahan bangunan Gedung PUPR and also ADCET. Whether Telkom University wants to be an inclusive campus, the university have put big effort in the inter-way access and also the inter-floor access, and most of the facilities needed to be improved considering to providing all facilities for the student with special needs. 


accessible design; physical dissabilities; inclusive campus

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