Nilai Kearifan Rumah Hijau (Greenship Homes) Permukiman Pedesaan Lereng Gunung, kasus Desa Kledung, Temanggung

V.G. Sri Rejeki, Romantio Veronika Ndruru, Gita Cynthia Bella K., Zia Amalia Wafi


The implementation of greenship homes rating tools on houses in residential areas has been carried out in recent times. On the other hand, in mountain settlements have the value of local wisdom considers the environment as the basis of settlement management. The purpose of this study found the value of green buildings mountain settlements, the case of Kledung Village, Wonosobo, using the analysis of greenship homes rating tools. Qualitative research is conducted by physical mapping methods and interviews to homeowner informants. The study used 12 purposive samples, which were defined based on four character locations. The results of the study, based on 4 character location of the case, greenship homes value is relatively similar / its same. There is no difference in value between one case than another, so that analysis is done at once. Overall, the results of the study explained that the greenship homes rating tool can be applied in kledung village. The result is 1) all buildings are larger than the ratio of greenship rating tools, 2) all houses have electricity meters and monitoring; 3) sorting of organic and inorganic waste; 4) pest management; 5) some houses use recicled, reuse, and local materials, 6) sunny utilization and solar entry into homes and cross-circulation wind management in houses. Uniquenesse's finding are 1) there is a minimum large tree in Kledung village, because the village has cold temperatures,  high humidity and little daily sunlight time. In addition, the people in Kledung Village do not regulate clean water, because it is abundant in this village


mountain settlement; greenship homes rating tools; local wisdom

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