Kajian Revitalisasi Kawasan Benteng Somba Opu Sebagai Kawasan Bersejarah

Margareta Maria Sudarwani, Sri Pare Eni, Mohammad Mochsen Sir


Among a number fortress of Gowa, the largest and strongest is the Somba Opu Fortress. Somba Opu Fortress is the main fortress of the Kingdom of Gowa, the King of Gowa’s resident. The uniqueness of the fortress is that it is made of clay and egg whites instead of cement, so tourists are interested in visiting it. The purpose of this research is to contribute the concept of knowledge relating to a study of revitalization of Somba Opu Fortress. In this study the method used is a naturalistic qualitative research with an inductive strategy. Revitalization is a development activity that is aimed to grow back important values of Cultural Heritage with function adjustment new space that is not contrary to principle preservation and cultural value of the community. Zoning system as revitalization methode of Somba Opu Fortress is still being explored by government of Sulawesi Selatan Province.  From the research it can be concluded that the Somba Opu Fortress is rectangular. The shape and size of the fortress is the most appropriate condition with the geomorphological conditions at that time. The area of Somba Opu Fortress as a historical district needs to be considered and well maintained by related stakehorders. One of the maintenance efforts that can be done is revitalization to restore the area make it more attractive and more useful than before. The fortress of Somba Opu has become historical area, so it should be protected, preserved and maintained so that the cultural meaning contained in it still remains.


Fortress Area; Historic District; Revitalization; Somba Opu

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