Studi Pengaruh Gaya Arsitektur Bangunan Terhadap Daya Tarik Kunjungan Wisata di Kota Lama Semarang

Agus Heru Purnomo, S Sumaryoto, S Suparno


Tourism is one of the creative industries that bring substantial benefit to the country, therefore it is necessary to explore and map new potential sources in the field for tourism. Most cities in Indonesia has the opportunity to be developed into a tourist city, this can be seen from several components that can be used as a tourist attraction of a city. The components that can be an attraction include: a city area that is historically area with unique architectural style. Urban tourism potential that can be used as a superior tourism product, it requires integration of related 4 (four) aspects: tourist attractions, transportation aspects,  and supporting facilities,  and institutional aspects. The city of Semarang is the capital of Central Java which has a number of objects and tourist attractions that are quite diverse, including: the Old City area of Semarang is an area of 31 hectares that has a number of ancient buildings of historical value with the style of Colonial Architecture. The old city area of Semarang, known as "Little Netherlands". is a conserved area and now being reorganized to be a world tourist destination. The purpose of this study was to conduct a study of the influence of architectural styles  on the attractiveness of tourist visits in the Old City area of Semarang. To be able to achieve the objectives of this study, the research method used is qualitative-rationalistic. The resulst of the study that the architectural style in the old city of Semarang is very influential on tourist attractions, especially those that have elements of classical European architecture, Renaissance, Baroq, and a blend of local elements, namely The Indisce Empire Style.      


Tourist Attraction, Architectural Style, Semarang Old City

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