Pola Permukiman Pesantren Darul ‘Ulum Peterongan Jombang Pada Masa Kejayaan Di Tahun 1975

Jalaluddin Mubarok, Titin Woro Murtini


Indonesia is one of the countries with a majority Muslim population. The development of the inhabitants increasingly rapidly due to the development of education. Of the many education in Indonesia, which is the first education in Indonesia was a Pesantren. Pesantren itself is a non-formal institutions developed by one of the Ulama' or people who are experts in the science of Islam. Pesantren is the education which of a teacher and student live together each time, so that they are able to learn the most from life together. The reason this is what makes Islam is becoming increasingly developed with the education and distribution of Ulama’ by the Wali Songo. So Indonesia become the country with the development of the world-Islam-an. development of Pesantren itself is from hope, who is in a residential neighborhood. In this study addressed an Islamic education which are in one of the city, with a growing Islamic education, located in Pesantren Darul Ulum Peterongan jombang. One of the developments from this Pesantren is when its Heyday, that in the year 1975. The method of this research is a descriptive qualitative that is describing a condition that exists in the location of the research with an interview to the informant. The results of this research is looking at the development of the existing settlement patterns at Darul Ulum boarding environment Peterongan Jombang.


pesantren; heyday; pattern

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