Yosafat Winarto, Wiwik Setyaningsih, Sri Yuliani


Pacitan Regency is an area that has a huge potential for tourism that is growing very rapidly. The beach has a beautiful natural landscape, as a natural geopark and gets wide publications through social media. The environment has the potential to threaten serious damage if the tourism area is not planned properly. Pacitan area is also an area with high risk of earthquake and tsunami natural disasters. Tourism development can adversely affect environmental and socio-cultural changes. Natural disasters can have a high risk of loss of life and material. This research aims to produce a sustainability development planning concept, able to prosper the local community and be responsive to natural disasters. The research method uses a advocacy-participatory paradigm and a Qualitative research strategies that combine grounded observation techniques and phenomenology. Research analysis uses SWOT to find problem solutions. This research produced a sustainable ecological development concept and disaster response planning in the Pacitan tourism area. The concept emphasizes the socio-cultural and economy development of local communities and the natural environment preservation. The concept can be used as a guide to regional planning models and partial planning in Pacitan tourism areas on the future


sustainable development, tourism regional, response to disaster, Pacitan

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