Penerapan Fleksibilitas Sebagai Strategi Desain Perancangan Kampung Kota Vertikal Kenteng Semanggi, Surakarta

Amalia Ji Darmastuti, Yosafat Winarto, Hardiyati -


Dwelling is not only about a solid building, but also the activity system. Squatter Dwelling or kampong has varies identity and one can be described from their spaces usage colerated with their activity. It can be seen with substantial changes in the house users, their daily needs, economical reason, and their cultural environment. The research takes a case study in Kampung Kenteng, Kelurahan Semanggi, Kecamatan Pasar Kliwon, Surakarta. This research aims to signify flexibility values as design strategy by discover the use of compact housing as a multifunctional and adaptable space which can acomodate the needs of daily and economical living in limited space of Kampung with the creative use of flexibility. This paper present a comperhensive review of eleven points of flexibility which are permeability, versatility, legibility, expandibility, convertibility, adaptable, transformable, moveable, time cycle and time management, continuity and stability, and implemented over time. Furthermore, the theory will be implemented in the design of Vertical Kampung Kota Kenteng Semanggi to reveal how flexibility takes an important role in the arrangement of spaces usage in squatter housing with the possibility to expand and respond to changes.


spaces usage; flexibility; vertical kampong kota

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