Margareta Maria Sudarwani, Iwan Priyoga


Penglipuran Traditional Village is a traditional settlement in Bali which has an attractive space pattern seen from the order of the spatial pattern that is typical of the cultural activities of its people. The village is located at a distance of 45 km from Denpasar and 5 km from the capital city of Bangli Regency. The aim of the study was to find out the concept of traditional patterns of space and houses applied in Penglipuran Village, as a basis for researching traditional Balinese architecture. This research was conducted with qualitative descriptive method and case study approach. Penglipuran Village as a settlement has a space pattern which is divided into 3 (three) spatial arrangements based on the Tri Mandala concept consisting of: 1) Main Mandala (Pura); 2) Madya Mandala (Residence); 3) Nista Mandala (Tomb). The condition of the Penglipuran Traditional Village as a traditional mountain village shows one thing that stands out, namely the spread of settlement patterns tend to be linear because they are in mountainous areas. Penglipuran Bali Traditional House is an order of cultural result of the cultural mindset of the ancestors of the Penglipuran community in organizing an area well and upholding ancestral customs and striving to maintain the order well, neatly organized concept and sustainable nature and the surrounding environment.

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